Fish of Fame!

There have been some memorable sturgeon in the history of the NWSRI. Here we share some of their stories. Click on the signs to enlarge!

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Interpretive Signs

The Nechako White Sturgeon Recovery Initiative has developed a collection of interpretive trail and boat launch signs to help build awareness around Nechako White Sturgeon recovery. Here are some examples of the signs you may see in your community! Click on the signs to enlarge!

At the Hatchery

Visit the NWSCC to learn more about the Nechako white sturgeon and the Nechako River watershed, by reading the interpretive signs outside the facility.

 Cale Predation Poster for NWSCC_20200205 interpretive signs at the NWSCC

Wheel of Life!

Wheel of Life

Nechako River at Vanderhoof

Sign along the Nechako
Sign at the boat launch on the Nechako River in Vanderhoof.

Fraser Lake

Sign at White Swan Park Fraser Lake
Sign at White Swan Park in Fraser Lake.
Sign at Pedersen Beach
Sign at Pedersen Beach on Fraser Lake.
Sign at Beaumont Park, Fraser Lake
Sign at Beaumont Provincial Park on Fraser Lake.

Stuart Lake

Sign at Paarens Beach, Stuart Lake
Sign at Sowchea Bay on Stuart Lake.
Sign at Paarens Beach, Stuart Lake
Sign at Paarens Provincial Park on Stuart Lake.
Sign at Cottonwood Park, Stuart Lake
Sign at Cottonwood Park on Stuart Lake in Fort St. James.

Prince George

Sign about Distribution of Sturgeon in the Nechako and Upper Fraser
Sign about Distribution of Sturgeon in the Nechako and Upper Fraser
Sign in Prince George - sturgeon body
Sign about the form and function of sturgeon.