Recovery Plan

It took just over a decade but the Final Species at Risk Act Recovery Strategy for White Sturgeon in Canada has been posted on the SARA public registry!  Congratulations to everyone involved in making this document a reality.  To access the recovery strategy please click on the button: 

Recovery Strategy for White Sturgeon

In September 2000, a recovery planning process was initiated for Nechako white sturgeon by the province of British Columbia. The intent of the Recovery Planning process is to ensure technical soundness and meaningful participation of the public. You can view the March 2004 Recovery Plan here Recovery Plan for Nechako White Sturgeon (1.5 MB - PDF). 

In 2007, a Strategic Plan for the Nechako White Sturgeon Recovery Facility and Interpretive Centre was developed. This plan was prepared for the purposes of securing resources for up-front capital and a stable source of long-term funds to construct and operate a  a conservation aquaculture or 'recovery' facility in the Saik’uz Territory in the District of Vanderhoof.  The funding for the facility was secured in 2013 and it will be operational spring 2014.  The facility will be a major, tangible step toward achieving the overall recovery goal of ensuring a self-sustaining population of white sturgeon in the Nechako River.

The second, and concurrent approach to sturgeon recovery is outlined in the Nechako White Sturgeon Habitat Management Plan developed in 2008. This plan, which combines active investigation of habitat requirements, with a continually increasing scale of habitat rehabilitation, habitat enhancement and where needed, habitat creation projects, will work towards the conservation of Nechako white sturgeon through natural in-river recruitment.