NWSRI Educational Videos

Below are the links to each of the educational videos we've created for the NWSRI Curriculum!

The NWSRI has a growing library of videos about sturgeon, including our own YouTube Channel - please Subscribe to our Youtube Channel to stay connected when we publish new videos.

Every Sturgeon Counts

Every Sturgeon Counts focuses on First Nations and sturgeon, the Boat Kit Program, conservation and habitat of sturgeon. Download the video resource sheet to help you navigate the content of the video. We encourage educators to view the video before showing to young learners to ensure the content is at a level suited for you students.

 Every Sturgeon Counts  

About the Nechako White Conservation Centre

There are two videos that focus on the Nechako White Sturgeon Conservation Centre - the first giving a more scientific overview of the work of the facility, and the second is an animation of the process suited more for younger learners. 

Conservation Centre Overview - Video 1 

Sturgeon Hatchery Animated - Video 10

This series of videos was created during lock-down to help folks see the hatchery when it was closed to the public.

Hatchery Tour - Spring

Hatchery Tour - Summer

Hatchery Tour - Fall

Spawning, Life Cycle, and Sturgeon Release 

In this video learn more specifics about the life cycle of Nechako White Sturgeon, and more information about the annual sturgeon release.

Spawning, Life Cycle, and Sturgeon Release - Video 2

Sturgeon Life Cycle Animated - Video 9

NWS in the Winter - Video 8

Watershed, History and Human Impacts on Sturgeon

There are a number of videos that cover the topic of the Nechako Watershed, along with the impact humans have had on the environment and sturgeon.

Sturgeon Life in the Wild - Video 3

Predation on Sturgeon - Video 4

Changes in the Watershed - Video 5

Recovery of the Nechako White Sturgeon Population - Video 6 

Research on Nechako White Sturgeon

There are a number of research and habitat restoration programs that look at Nechako White Sturgeon. This video gives a closer look at one of the monitoring programs.

Monitoring Programs - Video 7